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6.1.4. Add Your First Endpoint

6.1.4. Add Your First Endpoint

This guide starts from the sandbox and walks you through adding a new endpoint to the REST/JSON API served by the Oracle. This covers adding functional tests in Go and editing the phylum.

Update the API Specification and the Oracle

  1. Let's add a new endpoint to delete accounts.
    Edit api/srvpb/oracle.proto to include the new endpoint:
diff --git a/api/srvpb/oracle.proto b/api/srvpb/oracle.proto
index de9fa94..13b5008 100644
--- a/api/srvpb/oracle.proto
+++ b/api/srvpb/oracle.proto
@@ -152,4 +152,12 @@ service SandboxProcessor {
       tags: "Service"
+  rpc DeleteAccount(cdm.DeleteAccountRequest) returns (cdm.DeleteAccountResponse) {
+    option (google.api.http) = {
+      delete: "/v1/accounts/{account_id}"
+    };
+    option (grpc.gateway.protoc_gen_swagger.options.openapiv2_operation) = {
+      tags: "Service"
+    };
+  }

NOTE: The middleware uses the grpc-gateway project to serve the REST/JSON API.

  1. Add the new models for the request and response messages:
diff --git a/api/pb/oracle.proto b/api/pb/oracle.proto
index 84bd583..b83c288 100644
--- a/api/pb/oracle.proto
+++ b/api/pb/oracle.proto
@@ -74,3 +74,12 @@ message Account {
   string account_id = 1;
   int64 current_balance = 2;
+message DeleteAccountRequest {
+  string account_id = 1;
+message DeleteAccountResponse {
+  common.Exception exception = 1;
  1. Edit phylum/phylum.go to expose the new endpoint in the phylum SDK that is used by the oracle:
diff --git a/phylum/phylum.go b/phylum/phylum.go
index df6c0d3..ce9d03c 100644
--- a/phylum/phylum.go
+++ b/phylum/phylum.go
@@ -53,6 +53,9 @@ var (
        phylumTransfer = &phylumMethod{
                method: "transfer",
+       phylumDeleteAccount = &phylumMethod{
+               method: "delete_account",
+       }

 func joinConfig(base []func() (Config, error), add []Config) (conf []Config, err error) {
@@ -305,3 +308,12 @@ func (s *Client) Transfer(ctx context.Context, req *pb.TransferRequest, config .
        return resp, nil
+func (s *Client) DeleteAccount(ctx context.Context, req *pb.DeleteAccountRequest, config ...Config) (*pb.DeleteAccountResponse, error) {
+       resp := &pb.DeleteAccountResponse{}
+       err := s.callMethod(ctx, phylumDeleteAccount, cmdParams(req), resp, config)
+       if err != nil {
+               return nil, err
+       }
+       return resp, nil
  1. Edit the Oracle to call the new delete function:
diff --git a/oracleserv/sandbox-oracle/oracle/oracle.go b/oracleserv/sandbox-oracle/oracle/oracle.go
index 6fe6baf..88feba7 100644
--- a/oracleserv/sandbox-oracle/oracle/oracle.go
+++ b/oracleserv/sandbox-oracle/oracle/oracle.go
@@ -285,3 +285,8 @@ func (orc *Oracle) Transfer(ctx context.Context, in *pb.TransferRequest) (*pb.Tr
 func (orc *Oracle) Close() error {
        return orc.phylum.Close()
+func (orc *Oracle) DeleteAccount(ctx context.Context, in *pb.DeleteAccountRequest) (*pb.DeleteAccountResponse, error) {
+       sopts := orc.txConfigs(ctx)
+       return orc.phylum.DeleteAccount(ctx, in, sopts...)
  1. Edit oracleserv/sandbox-oracle/oracle/oracle_test.go to add a functional test in the Oracle to test account deletion:
diff --git a/oracleserv/sandbox-oracle/oracle/oracle_test.go b/oracleserv/sandbox-oracle/oracle/oracle_test.go
index dce4610..fc9ca94 100644
--- a/oracleserv/sandbox-oracle/oracle/oracle_test.go
+++ b/oracleserv/sandbox-oracle/oracle/oracle_test.go
@@ -150,6 +150,10 @@ func TestCreateAccount(t *testing.T) {
                                assert.NotNil(t, resp.Exception)
+               _, err = server.DeleteAccount(ctx, &pb.DeleteAccountRequest{
+                       AccountId: "abc",
+               })
+               assert.Nil(t, err)
  1. Run the functional tests and confirm that it fails:
$(make host-go-env)
go test -v -count 1 -run TestCreateAccount ./...
    oracle_test.go:32: time="2021-07-15T16:15:35-07:00" level=error msg="json-rpc error received from phylum" cmd=delete_account jsonrpc_code=-32601 jsonrpc_message="Method not found"
                Error Trace:    oracle_test.go:156
                Error:          Expected nil, but got: &errors.errorString{s:"unknown phylum error"}
                Test:           TestCreateAccount

NOTE: $(make host-go-env) sets env in your local shell. It only needs to be called once per shell session.

Add a New Endpoint to the Phylum

  1. Edit phylum/utils.lisp to add the delete account utility functions:
diff --git a/phylum/utils.lisp b/phylum/utils.lisp
index 5bed85c..34e8b37 100644
--- a/phylum/utils.lisp
+++ b/phylum/utils.lisp
@@ -16,6 +16,10 @@
           (cc:infof (sorted-map "account_id" acct-id) "GET")
           (let* ([balance (statedb:get acct-id)])
             (if (nil? balance) '() (to-int balance)))]
+        [delete-account! (acct-id)
+          (cc:infof (sorted-map "account_id" acct-id) "DELETE")
+          (statedb:put acct-id '())
+          true]
          [put-account! (acct-id balance)
           (cc:infof (sorted-map "account_id" acct-id "balance" balance) "PUT")
           (statedb:put acct-id (to-int balance))
@@ -32,6 +36,12 @@
                              (put-account! acct-id balance)
                              (make-account acct-id balance)))))

+        (defun delete-account! (acct-id)
+          (account-do acct-id
+                      (lambda (found? balance)
+                        (if found? (delete-account! acct-id) '()))))
         ;; get-account retrieves an account record from statedb.  If the given
         ;; account does not exist a nil value is returned.
         (defun get-account (acct-id)
  1. Edit phylum/routes.lisp to add the delete_account endpoint:
diff --git a/phylum/routes.lisp b/phylum/routes.lisp
index fdb34e4..c0a0c32 100644
--- a/phylum/routes.lisp
+++ b/phylum/routes.lisp
+; initialize entities a and b to integer values
+(defendpoint "delete_account" (acct)
+  (let* ([id (get acct "account_id")])
+    (if (delete-account! id)
+      (route-success ())
+      (set-exception-business "account does not exist"))))
  1. Run the functional tests again to confirm the tests now pass:
go test -v -count 1 -run TestCreateAccount ./...
--- PASS: TestCreateAccount (0.18s)
ok       0.466s

Add an Integration Test

  1. Edit tests/example/account.martin_collection.yaml to include an integration test that calls the new endpoint:
diff --git a/tests/example/account.martin_collection.yaml b/tests/example/account.martin_collection.yaml
index 2a4e686..1cd4412 100644
--- a/tests/example/account.martin_collection.yaml
+++ b/tests/example/account.martin_collection.yaml
@@ -67,3 +67,14 @@ tests:
               // int64 protobuf fields come out as strings in javascript
+    - name: "Delete Account: 1"
+      method: DELETE
+      path: "v1/accounts/{{ACCT1}}"
+      test_script: |
+          pm.test("ok", () => {
+              let data = pm.response.json();
+              console.log(data);
+    ;
+              pm.expect(data)"exception");
+            });
  1. Run the integration tests and confirm they all pass:
$ make mem-up integration
↳ Delete Account: 1
  DELETE http://sandbox_oracle:8080/v1/accounts/abc-3e3be99c-239a-45a9-99cd-f30d8b765155 [200 OK, 315B, 29ms]
  │ 'X-Request-ID: 7b31bc56-e1db-44ec-b4c2-0028af58823a'
  │ {}
  ✓  ok

│                         │          executed │            failed │
│              iterations │                 1 │                 0 │
│                requests │                 6 │                 0 │
│            test-scripts │                12 │                 0 │
│      prerequest-scripts │                 2 │                 0 │
│              assertions │                 6 │                 0 │
│ total run duration: 597ms                                       │
│ total data received: 366B (approx)                              │
│ average response time: 51ms [min: 21ms, max: 179ms, s.d.: 57ms] │

🎉 Congratulations! Your new endpoint is fully functional.

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