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6.1.3. Update Your Data Model

6.1.3. Update Your Data Model

This guide starts from the sandbox and walks you through adding a new field to the account model. This covers adding integration tests as well as storing data on the network.

  1. Bring up the Oracle and the Phylum using the "in-memory" mode network:
$ make mem-up
  1. Update the martin test to pass in the new name field on creation of the second account:
diff --git a/tests/example/account.martin_collection.yaml b/tests/example/account.martin_collection.yaml
index 2a4e686..69515ac 100644
--- a/tests/example/account.martin_collection.yaml
+++ b/tests/example/account.martin_collection.yaml
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ tests:
       path: "v1/accounts/{{ACCT2}}"
       body: |
+            "name": "Martin",
             "current_balance": 100
       setup_script: |
  1. Run the martin tests to confirm that the API returns a 400 status code for the unknown field:
❏ Sandbox Example:  Managing Account Balances
↳ Create Account 1
  POST http://sandbox_oracle:8080/v1/accounts/abc-7ebd3108-ce4c-4667-abc9-9f69c5d4c3ad [400 Bad Request, 400B, 6ms]
  │ 'X-Request-ID: 938c1a87-7a4f-4c28-971a-e85e7aed5822'
  │ { exception:
  │    { type: 'BUSINESS',
  │      timestamp: '2021-07-15T20:45:45Z',
  │      description: 'unknown field "name" in cdm.Account
  │ ' } }
  1. ok
  2⠄ AssertionFailure in test-script
  1. Let's add a new string field name to the Account model.

These models are defined using Google's protobuf spec. The entire stack from the API layer to the business logic re-use these models.

Edit the Account message in api/pb/oracle.proto to include the new field:

diff --git a/api/pb/oracle.proto b/api/pb/oracle.proto
index 84bd583..c0862d0 100644
--- a/api/pb/oracle.proto
+++ b/api/pb/oracle.proto
@@ -73,4 +73,5 @@ message TransferResponse {
 message Account {
   string account_id = 1;
   int64 current_balance = 2;
+  string name = 3;
  1. Run make api to generate the Go models used by the oracle:
$ make api

NOTE: The Go structs defined in api/pb/oracle.pb.go are updated to include Name.

  1. Rebuild the Oracle to pickup the new changes, and run the integration tests again:
$ make mem-down mem-up integration
│                         │          executed │            failed │
│              iterations │                 1 │                 0 │
│                requests │                 5 │                 0 │
│            test-scripts │                10 │                 0 │
│      prerequest-scripts │                 2 │                 0 │
│              assertions │                 5 │                 0 │
│ total run duration: 500ms                                       │
│ total data received: 364B (approx)                              │
│ average response time: 48ms [min: 24ms, max: 143ms, s.d.: 47ms] │
  1. Update the martin test to now check that the Name is returned when querying for an account: NOTE: martin uses the postman tool to run end-to-end tests. See the above link for documentation on how to write scripts with postman.
diff --git a/tests/example/account.martin_collection.yaml b/tests/example/account.martin_collection.yaml
index 2a4e686..3e1fc26 100644
@@ -66,4 +67,6 @@ tests:
               // int64 protobuf fields come out as strings in javascript
+              pm.expect("Martin");
  1. Confirm the new test fails:
$ make integration
  #  failure           detail

 1.  AssertionError    ok
                       expected {} to have property 'account'
                       at assertion:0 in test-script
                       inside "Sandbox Example:  Managing Account Balances / Transfer"

 2.  AssertionFailure
                       at test-script:38:17
                       inside "Sandbox Example:  Managing Account Balances / Transfer"
  1. Update the business logic in the phylum to store and the optional account name. First update theroutes.lisp file to include the new field in the create-account! call:
+++ b/phylum/routes.lisp
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
 ; initialize entities a and b to integer values
 (defendpoint "create_account" (create)
   (let* ([acct (get create "account")])
-    (if (create-account! (get acct "account_id") (to-int (get acct "current_balance")))
+    (if (create-account! (get acct "account_id") (to-int (get acct "current_balance")) (get acct "name"))
       (route-success ())
       (set-exception-business "account_id already exists"))))
  1. Add helper functions to persist and retrieve the name field:
diff --git a/phylum/utils.lisp b/phylum/utils.lisp
index 5bed85c..a11ac30 100644
--- a/phylum/utils.lisp
+++ b/phylum/utils.lisp
@@ -9,13 +9,23 @@
 ;; This block defines helper functions for account objects in the data model.
 ;; The helper functions have their own internal, private helpers which are
 ;; defined by labels.
-(labels ([make-account (acct-id balance)
+(labels ([make-account (acct-id balance &optional name)
           (sorted-map "account_id" acct-id
+                      "name" name
                       "current_balance" (to-int balance))]
+         [put-account-name! (acct-id name)
+          (statedb:put (format-string "{}.name" acct-id) name)
+          true]
+         [get-account-name (acct-id)
+          (statedb:get (format-string "{}.name" acct-id))]
          [get-balance (acct-id)
           (cc:infof (sorted-map "account_id" acct-id) "GET")
           (let* ([balance (statedb:get acct-id)])
             (if (nil? balance) '() (to-int balance)))]
          [put-account! (acct-id balance)
           (cc:infof (sorted-map "account_id" acct-id "balance" balance) "PUT")

NOTE: The statedb:put function saves a value for a given key into the common ledger. All of the network participants have access to this state, and the updates are available across transactions.

Here we use the format-string built-in to construct a unique key that we use to store the account name for a particular account ID.

  1. Use the helper functions to at account creation and retrieval:
diff --git a/phylum/utils.lisp b/phylum/utils.lisp
index 5bed85c..a11ac30 100644
--- a/phylum/utils.lisp
+++ b/phylum/utils.lisp
@@ -24,20 +34,21 @@
     ;; create-account! creates a new account record in statedb and records an
     ;; account object.  If the given acct-id already exists in statedb
     ;; create-account! does nothing and returns nil.
-        (defun create-account! (acct-id balance)
+        (defun create-account! (acct-id balance &optional name)
       (account-do acct-id
               (lambda (found? _)
             (and (not found?)
                  (>= (trace balance "balance") 0)
                  (put-account! acct-id balance)
-                             (make-account acct-id balance)))))
+                             (put-account-name! acct-id name)
+                             (make-account acct-id balance name)))))

     ;; get-account retrieves an account record from statedb.  If the given
     ;; account does not exist a nil value is returned.
     (defun get-account (acct-id)
       (account-do acct-id
               (lambda (found? balance)
-                        (if found? (make-account acct-id balance) '()))))
+                        (if found? (make-account acct-id balance (get-account-name acct-id)) '()))))
  1. Run your unit tests to confirm the tests still pass
$ make test
--- PASS: TestFile_utils (0.05s)
    --- PASS: TestFile_utils/$load (0.02s)
    --- PASS: TestFile_utils/account-functions (0.03s)
  1. Run your integration tests again to confirm that it now passes:
$ make integration
│                         │          executed │            failed │
│              iterations │                 1 │                 0 │
│                requests │                 5 │                 0 │
│            test-scripts │                10 │                 0 │
│      prerequest-scripts │                 2 │                 0 │
│              assertions │                 5 │                 0 │
│ total run duration: 537ms                                       │
│ total data received: 380B (approx)                              │
│ average response time: 57ms [min: 17ms, max: 201ms, s.d.: 71ms] │

NOTE: The phylum changes are automatically picked up by the Oracle running in-memory mode (live reload).
🎉 Congrats! You have added your first field.

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